Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Blonde Bitch

Alright this beer is a funny named brew from Moorhouse’s brewery. In fact it was bought mostly for the name. It is a citrus inspired blonde ale, with a tall old looking bottle that catches the eye of some drinkers that walk by. It lists itself as an award winning beer in simple vintage styled label that features a busty blonde farm girl holding wheat. In all honesty there was no other reason to buying this beer than its name which made me ruttin laugh my arse off. It is 4.99 a pint and is rather hard to find, only one store in the area carries it.

The beer pours rather flat, but has a nice smell. It is an opaque golden yellow that has very little bubble to it.
The flavor is initially tasty and has a sweet citrusy note. However, the after taste is that of a skunky beer. This may have been it was sitting on the self too ruttin long, which is often the case with singles that cost more than two dollars, or it could just be a bitter after taste that the beer has. However, it was still mostly enjoyable to ruttin drink. It is not a rebuy on this end. A lover of blondes may differ in ruttin opinion. It is worth one buy though, if for nothing else than the bad jokes that can be made about your name.
Rating: 2/5
 ~Ambrose E. Brightmore

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